
Welcome to Heavenly Treasures Homestead!



If you are a looking for more information, please check back soon, our new site is on the way!

Our story began when I wanted to give our toy breeds organic food, however, that wound up being a flop, but began our goat venture.  I breed and show 2 toy breeds, the Mi-Ki a rare breed approved by UKC and the Chinese Crested.

Through sets of circumstances we wound up buying a boarding kennel in Middleburg, FL. I wanted to raise chickens, and other poultry, rabbits, and from time to time I needed goats milk for puppies. So I got chickens, ducks, rabbits, and three goats.

However, I discovered I’m better at raising and loving animals than processing anything that’s living! So I discovered I’m soft!  However, I fell in love with Dairy Goats. So on I went and became dedicated to mini Dairy goats.

We have Nigerian Dwarfs, Mini Nubians, and Mini Lamanchas since we only have an acre and a quarter. We have a clean herd, our goal is to show and milk test, to have happy and healthy animals. We love our animals and our passion shows in the quality and temperament of those we bring to this world. We look forward to seeing them happy in awesome qualifying homes and see their progress and how they continue to be loved.